I started reading a book called lateral thinking by Edward Debono recently. It seems brain does not sort the information instead it just provides information , the power to sort itself. Self generation of patterns is the power provided by brain.

Initial brain surface :

Initial brain surface

Surface after some information flows in to your brain:

Surface after some information flows in to your brain

You can observe the patterns on the surface. That describes that brain is just an environment.

When new information flows in to the mind ,it organizes itself to form patterns.

Now that this pattern is already present in mind.When new information comes in to mind, it can either form a new pattern or deepen the existing pattern. It might look this, when new info comes in

Surface after some information more flows in to your brain

It shows that previous information organization effects the new information.


Human mind has environment which enables self patterning of information. This means we have ability to convert set of instructions in to a single header.

Ex : The language we use is obvious code that simplifies many smaller operations.

This ability to convert set of complex operations in to single code enable us to react to a situation even before it’s completed.*

Computer operations are executed in the same way, but the limitation is the speed of conversion. Human brain has high ability to convert code. We have increased ability to do complex operations as new code goes in.


 1) set of operations can be executed with single command.

 2) set of commands can be executed with a single c program.

 3) set of c program files can be executed in single software.

But even when it comes to 3 it has to convert them to 2 to 1 then to operations and then operations to binary format.

Therefore more time required.

But human brain has power to go through this pattern very fast. Information has to be converted in to electric pulse.

Human brain already have the ability equal to millions of computers so when new information flows in, it tries to get it coded as pattern of older information.

If computers can provide the ability to form a self - pattern to information coming in, then computers will be almost equal to humans.

But missing part will be the process of creativity.

Sometimes it is required to reconstruct the existing patterns which in most of the times result in astonish findings. We fall in to amusement of finding and appreciate creativity but we forget to get the actual pattern of the creativity.

Most people think creativity is god given ability. No , creativity is a process. Even the people who get creative ideas don’t realize that we got the answer through a pattern.


We have disadvantages such as pattern of information which is already formed in the brain will be very strong that it will govern all the new patterns to be formed in the brain.

Two patterns, even if one is helpful to other might stay as different patterns.

with out one pattern contributing to other.

Completely useless patterns can effect other patterns.

A strong impression on mind effect other information


A strong impression of hatred created inside mind such as zeus are bad leads to bias and effect new patterns of information about zeus . Which is why hitler happened.

A strong impression that girls are meant to be at home => weaken women empowerment.

A strong impression that geeks are meant to be with computers => When you meet a geek, your context of speech changes.

A strong impression in the minds of leaders that war is the only way to deal with things => Violence

But humans even have ability to overcome this disadvantage by learning lateral thinking.

I am not suggesting that vertical thinking(common thinking) is unimportant. I am saying that both are necessary to make mind more effective.*

  • Edward debono Lateral thinking

Creative Commons License
Finding human brain patterns by Vundemodalu Manjush is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/manjush3v/manjush3v.github.io.